The choice to tattoo eyebrows is a commitment not everyone is willing to make. Some, for example, might feel hesitant when they hear the word “permanent” attached to the idea of cosmetics and permanent makeup products. This is especially true when it’s in regards to one’s face. Perhaps people have health concerns regarding permanent makeup or feel they might regret their choice. Moreover, they believe it’s an idea that might not be as popular tomorrow as it is today. Whatever the reason may be, the good news is twofold.
Permanent makeup is actually only semi-permanent and will fade naturally over time. As a result, the choice to tattoo eyebrows is not as detrimental or scary as it might seem.
There are several alternative products and eyebrow makeup options to help with eyebrow modification. This is a list of the top best Permanent Makeup Products.
Eyebrow Pen – An easy and affordable way to replicate Micropigmentation is to use an eyebrow tattoo pen. Exactly as it sounds, this pen has a fine point felt tip that acts much like a marker. This is waterproof and lasting for several days. The “ink” soaks into the skin without clumping, smudging, or staining. It gives your eyebrow a completely permanent look. The formula is organic, non-invasive, and (in most instances), allergy-free. Consequently, an excellent permanent makeup products example is the K Palette Real Lasting EyeBrow Liquid Pen .
Eyebrow Powder – Just like eye shadow, brow powder goes on with a brush. It goes directly onto the eyebrows. This creates beautiful and natural brow effects. The formula is smudge-proof. Consequently, it comes with two shades per compact.
Eyebrow Mascara – Brow mascara is a gel-like substance. A brush/wand combs through the eyebrows. The product helps fill and define a perfect eyebrow shape. It enhances already existing brows. Most imortantly, It looks great and won’t break your pocketbook.
Eyebrow Stencils – Eyebrow stencils are reusable and pre-shaped coverings. In short, they align with the existing brow. You can fill them with either powder, a pen, or mascara. Several stencil designs (including Curved Arch, Soft Arch, Full arch), help you achieve perfectly shaped brows and accentuate your face.
Brow Enhancing Serum – Rich in botanical extracts and vitamins, brow enhancing serum grows fuller, longer, and stronger brow hair. Above all, this popular alternative is safe, hypoallergenic, clinically proven to produce great results.
Eyebrow Transplant – Perhaps the most invasive and dramatic permanent makeup products option on this list is the replacement and modification of eyebrows with eyebrow transplants. This procedure involves sedation and surgical removal of hair and follicles from just above the ear. These hairs are then transplanted into the brow regions. Although permanent, this method may limit some mainly due to cost, which can run in the several thousand dollar ranges.
Perhaps you are pregnant. Maybe you are going through chemotherapy and are advised not to have the permanent makeup procedure done yet. Or, perhaps you just simply can’t afford it. These alternative permanent makeup products are great temporary solutions for anyone hesitant or unable to commit fully to the idea of Micropigmentation. Meanwhile, it is highly recommended that you thoroughly research Tattooeyebrowshq.com, so when you are ready to fully dive in, you will be as informed as possible to make the choices that are right for you.