Cost is a major consideration when deciding whether to tattoo eyebrows. Eyebrow tattoo cost is determined by 6 overall factors. Because its an elected cosmetic procedure, some might find it hard to justify the expense. Others though, feel the amount of money and time you save over the long term is well worth it. This information will help you decide the appropriate cost range for the procedure in your area. It will also help you understand what to look for when choosing if eyebrow tattooing makes sense for you.
The six (6) major factors to consider when assessing the cost to tattoo eyebrows. They include:

1. Location: Where Geographically You Have The Procedure Done.
Location and where you are in the world, will determine all of the other factors listed here. Below is a list of the top four geographic permanent makeup locations. Also included is the average costs you might expect to pay to tattoo eyebrows around the world.
Country :
- United States (Between $300-500/ Follow-up $100-$150)
- Australia (Between $400- $800/ Follow-up $200- $250)
- Canada -(Between $400 – $700/Follow-up $200-$250)
- United Kingdom – (Between £359 – £760/Follow-up £100-£200)
These are just averages. They will fluctuate, especially in other parts of the world. Cities will be more expensive. If the numbers you find differ considerably though, be cautious.
2. Understanding Semi-Permanent vs Permanent And How That Affects Eyebrow Tattoo Cost.
The first thing to know is that although cosmetic tattoos are considered permanent, the ink applied WILL fade over time. Additionally, as the skin ages, eyebrows and other features tend to gradually droop. Initially, you will receive a free “touch up” 4-6 weeks after the first procedure. A follow up will be required after a year or two to fill in and realign any light areas. It should then be maintained every 1-3 years after. As a result, eyebrow tattoos are technically defined as a semi-permanent procedure and not a permanent one. Ultimately this means, eyebrow tattoos are an extended commitment and a repeated expense.
The initial appointment and application of permanent makeup is the most expensive. Depending on the factors described below, one could expect to pay anywhere from $300-$500 as an upfront fee on average. Be sure to ask if the “touch up” and topical anesthetic are additional costs or included. There is good news though. The the eventual follow up should only cost a fraction of the initial cost (Approx $100 – $150).
A touch up procedure should never cost more than the initial procedure. If it does, be very weary. The other good news comparatively speaking, is that the cost to tattoo eyebrows is far more reasonable than the next permanent alternative; eyebrow transplants, which can range anywhere from $4,000-$6,000!
3. Experience And Quality Of The Certified Artist You Choose.

The second important consideration that will determine eyebrow tattoo cost, is the amount of experience of the cosmetic artist you choose. Again, it is very important that you select only certified or “accredited” cosmetic tattoo professionals ( ACTP). Also known as a certified permanent cosmetic professional (CPCP). Certification varies depending on geographic location. If you are located in the US, for example, your chosen technician should be board certified by the AAM (American Academy of Pigmentation) or the SPCP (Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals). If you are in the UK, certification comes from the BABTAC (British Association Of Beauty Therapy And Cosmetology) and/or CIBTAC (Confederation Of International Beauty Therapy & Cosmetology). Australian certification comes from APAA (Australian Professional Association of Aestheticians).
Overall, your decision should be based on the quality of work rather than price. Quality will come down to education, makeup training, and experience. Also, be sure to go over before/after photos extensively to determine their natural talent.
A qualified artist will have a solid clientele with good references. A bad tattoo will cost you hundreds more dollars in the long run to remove and re-apply, so take your time and be comfortable with who you choose. Remember, you get what you pay for. With something as precious and fragile as your face, you don’t want to cut corners. If you can’t afford a quality CPCP, wait to tattoo your eyebrows until you can.
For more information on choosing the right certified permanent cosmetic professional, be sure to check out: Finding Your Perfect CPCP.
4. Quality Of The Facility.
Just like the specialist you choose, it’s important, too also find a quality facility for your procedure. Make sure to look for an established location. This might be an instance where a name or brand actually does matter. A notable name or brand indicates years and years of quality work and results. It also assures a sense of security with regards to cleanliness and how the company conducts overall business. You might pay a bit more for an established facility, but the peace of mind is well worth it. In fact, avoid salons that charge very little, whenever possible. A great way to find a quality facility is to simply do online research. Check forums and review sites for honest non-biased criticism. Reviews and references are key here to finding a place that is cost appropriate to your needs.
5. Methods and Techniques Applied.
There are over 10 different methods and techniques used to tattoo eyebrows and apply permanent makeup in general. A simple list includes:
- Powdery Filled Technique
- Soft Hair Stroke Technique
- The Soft Shading Technique
- Full Created Hair Stroke Technique
- Feathering Technique
- 3d Eyebrow Technique
- SoftTap® Technique
Other Less Prevalent Eyebrow Tattoo Techniques And Methods Include:
These various techniques require different artistic skill sets, precision, and experience to be effective and look great. Eyebrow tattoo cost may vary depending on the artist, their location and experience. Make sure to do a lot of research on which you prefer, and compare best prices in your area.
A detailed overview of these methods and techniques can be found here: Methods And Techniques To Tattoo Eyebrows.
Tips, And Other Eyebrow Tattoo Cost Considerations

- Ask if antiseptic, topical anesthetic, and the “touch up” procedure are all included in upfront cost.
- Cost may vary depending on the type of eyebrow tattoo method, technique, and design you have performed. For more information check out:
- For added security on your investment, make sure the artist/facility has current Professional Indemnity Insurance.
- Also remember that a tip is customary, so find out whats appropriate for your region.
- It is a good idea to visit the salon where you will get tattooed. Also meet the artist ahead of time. Make sure your communication is good. Have the same goals in mind before you commit to work being done.
For any elective cosmetic procedure, we all like to think that the money we spend is worth it. This is especially true during these difficult financial times. This is why an understanding of permanent makeup cost and an awareness of what tattoo eyebrows cost. This knowledge will give you a step up, and although some may feel resistant to the initial hit to the pocket book, the amazing long term results and confidence that comes with permanent cosmetic makeup, is priceless.