Perhaps the biggest benefit of permanent makeup is the lack of long term eyebrow tattoo maintenance needed after having the procedure done. In fact, a proper initial application and “touch up” procedure should ensure, aside from very minimal attention, that you wont have to worry about your cosmetic eyebrows again for at least 1-3 years. This is the period of time when the semi-permanent ink is subject to fading. This fading of cosmetic eyebrows can be pre-determined (and limited) if you are aware of certain factors. This post will focus on eyebrow tattoo care, so you can maintain happy healthy eyebrows over the long term.
Factors That Pre-Determine Fading During Eyebrow Tattoo Maintenance
1. Type Of Eyebrow Tattoo Procedure: There are over eight popular methods and techniques used to tattoo eyebrows. Some include the Powdery Filled, Soft Hair Stroke, Soft Fill, 3D, and SoftTap® techniques. Each has its own benefits and downsides that determine how the permanent makeup will fade over time. To get a complete breakdown on eyebrow tattoo procedures check out: Tattoo Eyebrows Techniques And Methods.
2. Type Of Ink Used: As mentioned, the type of ink used to tattoo eyebrows is actually semi-permanent (lasting between 2-5 years) and not technically permanent. This means that fading will occur naturally overtime. This will vary based on the particular persons features, skin type, personal habits, personal health, and age. Some enjoy “growing” with their new cosmetic tattoos while they get used to natural changes overtime.
3. Shade Of Pigment Used: After the shedding and scabbing phase, you will notice a big decrease in tattoo pigment intensity. To help keep your desired color over the long term, be aware that lighter colors fade faster than darker ones.
4. Touch-Up Appointment: About (4-6) weeks after your initial appointment, you should schedule another “touch up” appointment. This will fix and fill any light areas, enhance shapes, and reinforce deeper more permanent ink placement. This will make short term fading much less likely.
5. Aftercare: Aftercare is an extremely important aspect of maintaining your beautiful cosmetic eyebrows over the long term. For detailed information on tattoo eyebrows aftercare, be sure to visit: Tattoo Eyebrows Aftercare.
5. Exposure To UV Rays: This factor should fall under the subline of “how you treat your skin.” Excessive sun exposure (and tanning beds) will lead to fast fading of your new tattoo eyebrows, not to mention leave you susceptible to more serious health concerns like blistering and skin cancer. If you choose to go out, apply a healthy dose of (SPF of at least 15) sunscreen. This will protect your eyebrow tattoo areas for protection.

6. Anti-Aging Creams: Although they benefit the rest of your skin, the chemical compounds combined with semi-permanent pigments have an adverse effect on permanent makeup and their longevity. If you use them, make sure not to apply any anti-aging creams directly onto your new eyebrow tattoos.
There is no hard and fast rules to how quickly your tattooed eyebrows will last. Eyebrow Tattoo maintenance long term will not only depend on how well you follow these basic up-keep requirements, but will also on your own personal habits, health conditions, lifestyle, and commitment to aftercare. One thing you can guarantee though, is that with a little bit of consideration about the long term, your perfect brows will last as long as you want them to.