Although rare, eyebrow tattoo problems can occur. Although eyebrow tattoos and permanent makeup are exciting new ways to build your confidence. They free up your time, save you money, and enhance your appearance. The procedure, like any invasive cosmetic decision, is not totally free of potential problems. To be fair, many of these complications occur with regular tattoos in general. For the most part, are a very rare occurrence. As it is with anything though, the more information you have as a consumer, the more you know how to protect yourself and avoid any issues. The purpose of this post is to make you aware of potential permanent makeup problems. This will help you make informed decisions that suit your personal needs.
Aesthetic Problems
- Of all the eyebrow tattoo problems, the most common is dissatisfaction with the overall appearance of your permanent eyebrows. This could include basic issues such as uneven color, fading over time, wrong width, and bad design or arch shape. Issues are also possible when pigment spreads out beyond the border of the brows (also called fanning). Changes in physical conditions, skin tones, scarring , and aging may also eventually be a concern. This is because facial features become more elastic and sag. This could include your perfect eyebrows. Stylistically speaking, societal changes and dipping trends might also pose an eventual problem. Although permanent makeup may seem enticing today, the fickle world we live in may decide tomorrow that its not. Tattoo removal can be complicated and expensive. Make sure you can stick with this semi-permanent choice.
Solution: A competent certified permanent cosmetic professional (CPCP) will resolve most of these problems. They will make you feel confident about your decision. Nothing puts you at risk more than a flawed and incompetent tattoo artist, so choose wisely. For help finding the right specialist, be sure to check out: Finding Your Perfect CPCP.
- Cosmetic tattoos are actually semi-permanent, not actually permanent. This is because the inks used over several years (1-3), in conjunction with the natural elements ( water, sun exposure, aging, etc), will fade naturally overtime. Some might consider this a problem because it will require a scheduled follow up after a few years. These “touch ups” darken, shape, and fill the eyebrows to their originally treated state.
- Solution: Here are a few solutions to help slow down the fading process.
- Apply sunscreen whenever you venture outside during the day (SPF 45 or more).
- Wear sunglasses that are large enough (and don’t embarrass you) to cover your tattooed eyebrows.
- Apply lotion after you wash your face, either before bed, or in the morning to keep your perfect eyebrows moisturized.
- Never use exfoliates or scrub over the permanent makeup areas.
- Before submerging in any water (pool, spa, lake), rub petroleum jelly over your brows.
- A more serious concern regarding eyebrow tattoo problems, is (although highly unlikely) infection. There are a number of documented medical complications that result from tattoos generally. Some inflammation and simple irritation, are common and somewhat expected. Some other issues like Granulomas, Keratoacanthomas, keloids, mycoses, allergic reactions, and immune-mediated diseases such as Psoriasis, Lupus, and even “Staph” have been documented. Unhygienic tattooing conditions can also spread much more deadly types of infection and infectious diseases such as Tetanus, Chancroid, Hepatitis, Syphilis, and HIV.
- Solution: Make sure to choose a state regulated facility. Also, be certain that the tattooing equipment and needles are sterile and “single use.” Cleanliness is essential regarding any invasive procedure.
- The ink itself can cause transmition of infection, and not only unhygienic equipment. This can be difficult to detect at times. Even if tattoo artists follow proper hygienic procedures a bacteria could still be present in the ink. This can happen even if it arrives sealed from the factory. These types of Mycobacterium infections are rare, but can require extensive antibiotic treatments to recover. Another consideration is how the pigment is diluted. One well documented outbreak of infection occurred in Switzerland when it was found that a specialist had used tap water infected with Mycobacterium haemophilum. Several of her clients developed complications, and some even required serious surgery to remove the eyebrow and parotid gland. The pigments themselves are color additives (to the ink), and should be approved by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. In most cases though, because complications are so rare, the FDA does not regulate them, and leaves local jurisdictions in charge of standards and oversight.
- Allergic Reactions To Inks And Dyes – Tattoo inks and dyes become permanently injected into the skin, so any adverse effects such as itchiness, swelling, or pain, will be a constant source of discomfort and could be a constant problem. This reaction stems from the ingredient Titanium dioxide (TiO2), used to create certain common colors like blacks and reds, which are particularly responsible for adverse skin reactions when exposed to certain light and UV rays. Because of increased popularity, the FDA has begun to do more research over the safety of pigments and shades. The good news is again, the instances of allergic reactions to pigments and dyes overall, is extremely rare.
- Another extremely rare condition regarding the practice of tattooing in general, are the appearance of malignant lesions. Medical literature has documented cancer related growths associated with the tattooed area. They include malignant melanomas, basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and Reticulohistiocytoma. These cases could be due to several possible factors like genetics, adverse physiological reactions to the pigments, etc. Some also claim that the darker color of tattoo pigment can make it hard to detect lesions, and/ or tumors.
Solution: Attention to aftercare and protection (SPF of 45 or more) outdoors when in direct sunlight.
One “problem” some might find more interesting than anything else, are reports of tattoo pigments burning and swelling during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures that diminish image quality.
This is mostly the case with permanent eyeliner, and symptoms last for only a short time. Experts suggest the reason for this, is because metallic elements in the pigment oxidize or “rust” when exposed to the magnetic fields during the imaging process.
So before getting an MRI, acknowledge to your doctor that you have had a permanent cosmetic procedure. In fact, you should mention all tattoos for the same reason.
For those not wanting to commit to permanent cosmetics, there is a temporary option available with the use of the traditional Indian pigment known as Henna or Mehndi. It has been a decorative beauty enhancer for centuries. Today, Henna has found its way into the popular world of cosmetic eyebrows. The ink isn’t tattooed into the skin.
As a result, it is a popular alternative to the permanent choice. Yet, even as a temporary option, Henna has its own set of problems. Recently, for example, the FDA issued a warning about the use of Henna application directly to the skin, and did not approve it. This happened after several documented cases of allergic reactions and even scarring occurred. This brought to question the safety of the specific contents of the Henna powder/paste which “stains” the skin reddish brown then darkens over time.
- Removal Problems – There are several reasons why people choose to have their eyebrow tattoos removed. Some are unhappy with the outcome. For others its a health issue, while others may feel they simply don’t work with ones lifestyle anymore. Whatever the reason, tattoo removal is a difficult process that is not free of it’s own problems. There are several removal techniques to choose from such as laser resurfacing, chemical exfoliation, dermabrasion, and invasive surgery. Removal can be extremely painful, and take several sessions to complete. It can also be considerably more expensive than permanent makeup application, and cause scarring, deformation, and infection. The good news, is that eyebrow tattoo removal is the least complicated. For more information be sure to check out: Tattoo Eyebrows Removal.
As it is with anything, increased popularity brings increased possibility of risks and problems. The danger comes when people try to find cheaper ways to make themselves beautiful by cutting corners. The biggest corner to cut is going to unsanitized facilities. Second is having uncertified and unqualified “professionals” then do the work.
To make the choice to tattoo, or remove, cosmetic or otherwise, can be a lifelong commitment. Make sure to discuss any eyebrow tattoo problems or concerns you may have with your health care provider and your CPCP. Consumers and healthcare providers can report problems to MedWatch (the FDA’s problem-reporting program), on the Web or at 1-800-332-1088; or by contacting the nearest FDA consumer complaint coordinator. Although tattoo eyebrow problems are low, more information is always beneficial, and will save you from any regret later. It will also give you a better understanding of how to maintain your perfect eyebrows for years to come.