Congratulations on your choice to become a certified permanent cosmetic professional (CPCP) in Australia and/or New Zealand. Basic training for permanent makeup requirements are listed below. Additionally, there are four (4) major considerations that will help you secure your position as a permanent cosmetic professional. It is important to note, that permanent cosmetics in Australia are considered a semi-permanent procedure. As a result, the Australian government prohibits ever advertising the procedure as permanent.
Training For Permanent Makeup Basic Requirements:
The basic requirements for becoming a cosmetic tattoo specialist include:
- Age: You must be at least 18 years of age to apply (also to receive) permanent makeup.
- Citizenship: You must be an Australian citizen or resident.
- Emergency Care Certification: You must have current certification in first aid, CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation), as well as and a current blood-borne pathogens certificate.
Once an individual meets the minimum requirements, the next step is to understand regulations. Each territory is different, but all must complete the tattoo certification and licensing process listed below.
Strict regulations for infection control have been developed throughout the different territories of Australia. The Legislation Reform Working Group (LRWG), a subcommittee of the National Public Health Partnership (NPHP) Group, mnages them. Their focus is any “skin penetration procedure” or an “infection risk procedure.” They exist in order to minimize the risk of bloodborne diseases and infections. Many of these regulations are identical to one another per territory, while others are specific to the region. They include:
1. Maintain A Code Of Practice
To help manage infection control standards all territories are required to maintain a Code Of Practice that specialists abide by to assure public safety. This code is regulated through licensing and inspection. It includes: a. Construction of the facility. b. Utilization of single-use tools and instruments. c. “Aftercare” instruction. d. General hygiene. e. Handling and disposal of bio-hazardous waste. f. Immunization and protective equipment. g. Skin sterilization and antiseptic use.
2. Licensing
Cosmetic tattooing is referred to as an invasive Body Art procedure. Although there is no specific laws governing the Body Art industry at the Commonwealth level, licensing (such as a Public Health Risk Activity (InfectionControl) Business License) to perform the procedure is essential.
3. Strict Age Requirements In Place
Some territories focus heavily on age requirements and restrictions for receiving and applying permanent makeup procedures. An infraction can be punishable by a fine, the closing of the business, or in some cases, imprisonment.
4. Regular Inspections
Facilities that offer permanent cosmetics must undergo approval by the local council or region-based cosmetology boards through licensing. Regular inspections of these locations are required to ensure the health, safety, and protection of the clients.
5. Certification Display
After licensing is complete, most facilities are required to display certificates of approval in their establishments. This serves as proof their professional capacity. It is highly recommended that prospective clients review these certificates before committing to a location.
For more information on territory-specific regulations (including New Zealand) for permanent makeup click: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, New Zealand. Also, click the link for more information about ACT Infection Control Practices.
Training For Permanent Makeup:
The most important consideration for training for permanent makeup, is your amount of experience and education through training. There are technically no official minimum qualifications or requirements to apply permanent makeup in Australia. That said, the Australian Health Protection Committee (AHPC) requires that, at the very least, all managers, specialists, and employers, train their beginning employees on the strict safety measures during procedures, and the hygienic standards of the premises.
It is also important that they learn about the potential dangers and risks associated with cosmetic tattooing. These include infection, allergies, disfigurement, the transmission of disease (such as hepatitis, herpes, and HIV), and even death. Specialists should supervise extensively during this process. No procedures should be done alone until an employee has fulfilled these responsibilities to the specialists’ complete satisfaction. In order to verify, an LA [local authority] enforcement officer may request an interview with new specialists to establish their competence. With the increased popularity of permanent makeup, comes the increased possibility of insufficient procedural training. Proof of insufficient training can lead to exorbitant fines and possible imprisonment.
One way to assure your training is adequate, is by taking on an apprenticeship with a Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional (CPCP). Even if you do not participate in a formalized training course, an apprenticeship is essential. A decent program should last for several months, if not a couple of years. It is here that artists receive their most important “hands-on” training. The program should provide instruction on several basic skills. These include equipment use, autoclave sterilization and packaging. Also ink preparation, proper disposal of hazardous materials, proper workplace health standards, infection control measures, and bookkeeping.
Training for permanent makeup should only happen with a certified permanent cosmetic professional. Learning from a qualified CPCP is imperative. They will take the necessary time and make sure they supervise all procedures until you are ready and well trained.
Find a worthwhile apprenticeship. Either apply for one with your present certified employer, or attend an accredited cosmetic permanent makeup school. If you choose to attend school, make sure the program has a well-rounded curriculum that includes studies in skin analysis and anatomy, permanent makeup methods and techniques, inks and pigments, equipment and sterilization, health risks and ramifications, and design and makeup artistry. Be sure they have a good reputation, and that you feel confident with their teaching methods.
Communication is essential. Make sure you address your concerns. Its also important they encourage your progress. Also, be sure that your choice includes continuing education classes in the future. Methods and techniques are rapidly changing and it’s important that you grow with those changes as well. Your apprenticeship will be critical and will determine the course of your entire permanent makeup experience.
Training For Permanent Makeup: Accreditation and Certification

As mentioned, there presently is no mandatory requirement at a nation level. The best and most highly recommended next step after an apprenticeship/mentorship, is acquiring official accreditation and certification.
Becoming a certified or “accredited” cosmetic tattoo professionals ( ACTP), also known as a certified permanent cosmetic professional (CPCP) establishes your authority in the industry. Not only will it help you gain a loyal clientele and grow your business, it will also significantly increase the amount of money you can earn. Most importantly though, certification will create confidence in your clients knowing that they are in safe and qualified hands. The two most notable and well-respected institutions for accreditation in Australia and New Zealand are:
• APAN (Aesthetics Practitioners Advisory Network).
NOTE: Both are membership programs but they provide insurance and constant up-to-date news and developments regarding the beauty industry. They will also help you locate and find certified apprenticeships in your area. Training, apprenticeship, and membership costs are all included in the links above. Most beneficial though, is the fact that their course qualifications are internationally recognized. Certifications and accreditations through these institutions will allow you to work outside your country of origin if you choose.
Training For Permanent Makeup: Licensing
The next most important consideration is acquiring a license for your person or your business to perform the procedure. License types may vary, but are required in order to maintain a high set of safety and health standards. This is for the sake of public well-being (eg. Infection Control Activity License). Licensing requirements and costs for these licenses vary with location. Moste overseen and distributed by the local council of that location.
To Apply For A License – Contact your local council:
1. Local Council List Australia.
2. Local Council List New Zealand.
You will need to provide details about yourself and the facility, as well as pay a registration fee. This fee might sometimes be annual. Some applications for licensing may also require a photo and/or fingerprint submission in order to run background checks. Locations have inspections before you get your license. You can only work in licensed areas. When approved, you will get a certificate of registration (or license). You must follow any local bylaws and requirements for hygiene, safety, and cleanliness at your facility. You must display a copy of your certification (or license) and any bylaws prominently at your place of business. If you fail to do so, there are fines by local authority enforcement officers.
The information provided here is your stepping-off point. It should give you an excellent head start with your long terms goals and lucrative career in permanent makeup. The permanent makeup certification and licensing process is difficult. It will present you with many challenges, and will be a lot of hard work. In the end, the effort you make and the time you put in now, will earn you a rewarding lifelong career.